

职称: 副教授

直属机构: 计算机科学与技术学院


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  • 部门: 计算机科学与技术学院
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  • 联系电话: 021-6223-3660
  • 电子邮箱: tqwei@cs.ecnu.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 理科大楼B601
  • 通讯地址: 上海市中山北路3663号
  • 邮编: 200062
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现为华东师范大学计算机科学与技术学院副教授、博士生导师,主要研究方向为边缘智能计算、智能物联网(AIoT)、云计算与服务计算、分布式深度学习、轻量化自适应深度神经网络、基于大模型的软件质量提升及多模态数据分析、LLM Agent等在这些领域发表论文100余篇,授权发明专利和软著20多项,代表性工作获IEEE TCSC Most Influential Paper Award。主持多项与企事业单位合作横向项目,部分研究成果已落地应用。


  1. Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing

  2. Regional EditorJournal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers

  3. IEEE Senior Member, CCF Member

  4. 程序委员会主席第20届全国嵌入式系统大会

  5. TPC subcomittee chair, DAC 2023

  6. TPC member, DAC 2021-2022

  7. Lead Guest Editor, ACM Transactions on Cyber Physical Systems, Special Section on Human-Interaction-Aware Data Analytics for Cyber-Physical Systems, 2018

  8. Guest EditorIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Special Section on Building Automation‚ Smart Homes‚ and Communities, 2012-2013

  9. Guest EditorACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Special Issue on Embedded Systems for Energy-Efficient‚ Reliable‚ and Secure Smart Homes, 2012-2013

  10. Associate EditorInternational Journal of Modeling and Simulation, 2009-2014

  11. Associate Editor, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, 2009-2012

  12. Technical Reviewers (selected): IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System, IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Industral Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Journal of Systems and Software, Journal of Scheduling, Design Automation Conference (DAC), IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Complex & Intelligent Systems, ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, Future Generation Computer Systems, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, International Journal of Automation and Computing, IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, 软件学报,Elsevier Journal of Computer Communications, IET Computers and Digital Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing










    LLM Agent架构、代码生成及优化技术






Orcid ID: ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0002-7421-1711

DBLP ID: https://dblp.org/pid/79/1183.html

Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=yhA9e3YAAAAJ

Semantic Scholar ID: https://www.semanticscholar.org/author/T.-Wei/8100964





















  1. Changjiang Gou, Anne Benoit, Mingsong Chen, Loris Marchal and Tongquan Wei, “Reliable and Energy-Aware Mapping of Streaming Series-Parallel Applications onto Hierarchical Platforms,” RR-9346, INRIA, 2020(20-TR-Gou.pdf).

  2. Yunfei Song, Tian Liu, Tongquan Wei, Xiangfeng Wang, Zhe Tao, Mingsong Chen, “FDA3: Federated Defense Against Adversarial Attacks for Cloud-Based IIoT Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (20-TII-Song.pdf).

  3. Longxia Huang, Junlong Zhou, Gongxuan Zhang, Jin Sun, Tongquan Wei, Shui Yu, and Shiyan Hu, "IPANM: Incentive Public Auditing Scheme for Non-Manager Groups in Clouds," IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (20-TDSC.pdf).

  4. Peijin Cong, Guo Xu, Junlong Zhou, Mingsong Chen, Tongquan Wei, and Meikang Qiu,  "Personality- and Value-aware Scheduling of User Requests in Cloud for Profit Maximization," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (20-TCC-Cong-2.pdf).

  5. Peijing Cong, Junlong Zhou, Mingsong Chen, and Tongquan Wei, "Personality-Guided Cloud Pricing via Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (20-TCC-Cong-1.pdf).

  6. Haifeng Gu, Jianning Zhang, Mingsong Chen, Tongquan Wei, Li Lei, and Fei Xie, "Specification-Driven Conformance Checking for Virtual/Silicon Devices using Mutation Testing," IEEE Transactions on Computers (20-TC-Gu.pdf).

  7. Liying Li, Junlong Zhou, Tongquan Wei, Mingsong Chen, and Sharon Hu, “Learning-Based Modeling and Optimization for Real-time System Availability,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 581-594, 2021 (20-TC-Li.pdf).

  8. Kun Cao, Liying Li, Yangguang Cui, Tongquan Wei, and Shiyan Hu, “Exploring Placement of Heterogeneous Edge Servers for Response Time Minimization in Mobile Edge-Cloud Computing,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 494-503, 2021 (20-TII-Cao.pdf).

  9. Ming Hu, Wenxue Duan, Min Zhang, Tongquan Wei, and Mingsong Chen, “Quantitative Timing Analysis for Cyber-Physical Systems Using Uncertainty-Aware Scenario-Based Specifications,” IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 4006-4017, 2020 (20-TCAD-Hu.pdf).

  10. Jiewen Mao, Yongquan Hu, Dong Jiang, Fuke Shen, Tongquan Wei, “CBFS: A Clustering-Based Feature Selection Mechanism for Network Anomaly Detection,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 116216-116225, 2020 (20-ACCESS.pdf).

  11. Peijing Cong, Liying Li, Kun Cao, Junlong Zhou, Tongquan Wei, and Keqin Li, “A Survey of Hierarchical Energy Optimization for Mobile Edge Computing: A Perspective from End Devices to the Cloud,” ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 53, no. 2, 2020 (20-CSUR-Cong.pdf).

  12. Peijing Cong, Guo Xu, Tongquan Wei, and Keqin Li, “A Survey of Profit Optimization Techniques for Cloud Providers,” ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 53, no. 2, 2020 (20-CSUR-Xu.pdf).

  13. Junlong Zhou, Jin Sun, Peijin Cong, Yi Zhang, Xiumin Zhou, Tongquan Wei, and Shiyan Hu, “Security-Critical Energy-Aware Task Scheduling for Heterogeneous Real-Time MPSoCs in IoT,” IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 745-758, 2020 (19-TSC-Zhou.pdf).

  14. Haifeng Gu, Zishuai Ge, E Cao, Mingsong Chen, Tongquan Wei, Xin Fu, and Shiyan Hu, “A Collaborative and Sustainable Edge-Cloud Architecture for Object Tracking with Convolutional Siamese Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (19-TSUSC-Gu.pdf).

  15. Kun Cao, Junlong Zhou, Guo Xu, Tongquan Wei, and Shiyan Hu, “Exploring Renewable-Adaptive Computation Offloading for Hierarchical QoS Optimization in Fog Computing,” IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 2095-2108 (19-TCAD-Cao2.pdf). 

  16. Yangguang Cui, Kun Cao, Liying Li, Tongquan Wei, Junlong Zhou, and Shiyan Hu, “Augmented Cross-Entropy-Based Joint Temperature Optimization of Real-Time 3D MPSoC Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 1987-1999 (19-TCAD-Cui.pdf).

  17. Haifeng Gu, Jianning Zhang, Xinqian Zhang, Junlong Zhou, TongquanWei and Mingsong Chen, “DIAVA: A Traffic-based Framework for Detection of  SQL Injection Attacks and Vulnerability Analysis of Leaked Data,” IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 188-202, 2020 (20-TREL-Gu.pdf).

  18. Xiaodao Chen, Hao Yu, Kun Cao, Junlong Zhou, Tongquan Wei, and Shiyan Hu, “Uncertainty-Aware Flight Scheduling for Airport Throughput and Flight Delay Optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 853-862, 2020 (19-TAES.pdf) .

  19. Xinli Huang, Fanshuo Li, Kun Cao, Peijin Cong, Tongquan Wei and Shiyan Hu, “Queueing Theoretical Approach for Power and Performance-Aware Modeling of Sustainable SDN Control Planes,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 121-133, 2020 (19-TSUSC.pdf).

  20. Tian Wang, Junlong Zhou, Gongxuan Zhang, Tongquan wei, Shiyan Hu, “Customer Perceived Value- and Risk-Aware Multiserver Configuration for Profit Maximization,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 1074-1088, 2020 (20-TPDS-Zhou.pdf).

  21. Ruiming Yang, Kun Cao, Peijin Cong, Junlong Zhou, Mingsong Chen, and Tongquan Wei, “Personality-Aware VNF Deployment for Profit Maximization,” The 17th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, pp. 380-387, 2019 (19-ISPA.pdf).

  22. E Cao, Saira Musa, Jianning Zhang, Mingsong Chen, Tongquan Wei, Xin Fu and Meikang Qiu, “Reliability Aware Cost Optimization for Memory Constrained Cloud Workflows,” International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, pp. 135-150, 2019 (19-ICA3PP-Cao.pdf).

  23. Tongquan Wei, Junlong Zhou, Rajiv Ranjan, Isaac Triguero, Huafeng Yu, Chun Jason Xue, Schahram Dustdar, “A Note on Human-Interaction-Aware Data Analytics for Cyber-Physical Systems,” ACM Transactions on Cyber Physical Systems, Editorial, 2019.

  24. Junlong Zhou, Tian Wang, Peijin Cong, Pingping Lu, Tongquan Wei, Mingsong Chen, “Cost and Makespan-Aware Workflow Scheduling in Hybrid Clouds,” Journal of Systems Architecture, vol. 100, 2019 (19-JSA-Zhou.pdf).

  25.  Junlong Zhou, Yue Ma, Jin Sun, Tongquan Wei, Shiyan Hu, Sharon Hu, “Improving Availability of Multicore Real-Time Systems Suffering Both Permanent and Transient Faults,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 1785-1801, 2019 (19-TC-Zhou.pdf).

  26. Junlong Zhou, Peijin Cong, Jin Sun, Xiumin Zhou, Tongquan Wei and Mingsong Chen, “Throughput Maximization for Multicore Energy-Harvesting Systems Suffering Both Transient and Permanent Faults,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 98462-98473, 2019 (19-ACCESS.pdf).

  27. Junlong Zhou, Kun Cao, Jin Sun, Yi Zhang, Tongquan Wei, “A Framework to Solve the Energy, Makespan and Lifetime Problems in Reliability-driven Task Scheduling,” IEEE International Conference on Cyber Physical and Social Computing, pp. 608-614, 2019(19-CPSCom-Zhou.pdf.

  28. Junlong Zhou, Yue Ma, Jin Sun, and Tongquan Wei, “Resource Management for Improving Reliability of Heterogeneous MPSoC Systems”, TC-CPS Newsletter, vol. 4, no. 1, Feb. 01, pp. 2-5, 2019 (19-TC-CPS-letter-201902.pdf).

  29. Kun Cao, Guo Xu, Junlong Zhou, Mingsong Chen, Tongquan Wei, and Keqin Li, “Lifetime-Aware Task Scheduling for Fault-Tolerant Mixed-CriticalitySystems”, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 100, pp. 165-175, 2019 (19-FGCS-Cao.pdf).

  30. Min Hu, Tongquan Wei, Min Zhang, Mallet Frederic, and Mingsong Chen, “Sample-Guided Automated Synthesisfor CCSL Specifications,” IEEE Design Automation Conference, 2019 (19-DAC-Hu.pdf).

  31. Kun Cao, Junlong Zhou, Tongquan Wei, Mingsong Chen, Shiyan Hu and Keqin Li, “A Survey of Optimization Techniques for Thermal-Aware 3D Processors,” Journal of Systems Architecturevol. vol. 97, pp. 397-415, 2019 (19-JSA.pdf).

  32. Liying Li, Tongquan Wei, Junlong Zhou, Mingsong Chen and X. Sharon Hu, “CE-Based Optimization for Real-time System Availability under Learned Soft Error Rate,” IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2019 (19-DATE.pdf).

  33. Junlong Zhou, Jin Sun, Xiumin Zhou, TongquanWei, Mingsong Chen, Shiyan Hu and Xiaobo Sharon Hu “Resource Management for Improving Soft -Error and Lifetime Reliability of Real-Time MPSoCs,” IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 38. no. 2, pp. 2215-2228, 2019 (19-TCAD-Zhou.pdf).

  34. Xiumin Zhou, Gongxuan Zhang, Jin Sun, Junlong Zhou, Tongquan Wei and Shiyan Hu, “Minimizing Cost and Makespan for Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Using Fuzzy Dominance Sort Based HEFT,” Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 93, pp. 278-289, 2019 (19-FGCS-Zhou.pdf).

  35. Xinqian Zhang, Rajkumar Buyya, Junlong Zhou, Tongquan Wei, Shiyan Hu and Mingsong Chen, “Energy-Aware Virtual Machine Allocation for Cloud with Resource Reservation,” Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 147, pp. 147-161, 2019 (19-JSS-Zhang.pdf).

  36. Kun Cao, Guo Xu, Junlong Zhou, Tongquan Wei, Mingsong Chen and Shiyan Hu, “QoS-Adaptive Real-Time Approximate Computation for Mobility-Aware IoT Lifetime Optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 1799-1810, 2019 (19-TCAD-Cao-LR.pdf).  

  37. Xinli Huang, Shang Cheng, Kun Cao, Peijin Cong, Tongquan Wei and Shiyan Hu, A Survey of Deployment Solutions and Optimization Strategies for Hybrid SDN Networks,” IEEE Communicaitons Surveys and Tutorials, vol 21, no. 2, pp. 1483-1507, 2019 (18-COMST-Huang.pdf). 

  38. Kun Cao, Junlong Zhou, Peijin Cong, Liying Li, Mingsong Chen, Tongquan Wei, Shiyan Hu and Sharon Hu, “Affinity-Driven Modeling and Scheduling for Makespan Optimization in Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 1189-1202, 2019 (18-TCAD-Cao-LR.pdf).

  39. Liying Li, Peijin Cong, Kun Cao, Junlong Zhou, Mingsong Chen, Tongquan Wei, Sharon Hu, and Shiyan Hu, “Game Theoretic Feedback Control for Reliability Enhancement of EtherCAT-Based Networked Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 1599-1610, 2019 (18-EtherCAT-Li-LR.pdf). 

  40. Changjiang Gou, Anne Benoit, Mingsong Chen, Loris Marchal and Tongquan Wei,  “Reliability-Aware Energy Optimization for Throughput-Constrained Applications on MPSoC ,” The 24th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2018 (18-ICPADS-Gou.pdf).

  41. Guo Xu, Tongquan Wei, Junlong Zhou and Mingsong Chen, “Leveraging User Heterogeneities to Maximize Profits in the Cloud,” The 24th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2018 (18-ICPADS.pdf).

  42. Peijin Cong, Liying Li, Junlong Zhou, Tongquan Wei, Mingsong Chen and Shiyan Hu, “Developing User Perceived Value Based Pricing Models for Cloud Markets ,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 2742-2756, 2018(18-TPDS-Cong.pdf). 

  43. Haifeng Gu, Mingsong Chen, Tongquan Wei, Lei Li, Fei Xie,  “Specification-Driven Automated Conformance Checking for Virtual Prototype and Post-Silicon Designs,” IEEE Design Automation Conference, 2018 (18-DAC-Gu.pdf).

  44. Tingming Wu, Haifeng Gu, Junlong Zhou, Tongquan Wei, Xiao Liu, and Mingsong Chen, “Soft Error-Aware Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling for Workflow Applications in DVFS-Enabled Cloud,” Journal of Systems Architecture, vol. 84, pp. 12-27, 2018 (DOI: 10.1016/j.sysarc.2018.03.001)(18-JSA.pdf). 

  45. Ahmadreza Vajdi, Gongxuan Zhang, Junlong Zhou, Tongquan Wei, Yongli Wang, Tianshu Wang, “A New Path-Constrained Rendezvous Planning Approach for Large-Scale Event-Driven Wireless Sensor Networks,” Sensors, vol. 18, no. 4, 2018 (DOI: 10.3390/s18051434)(18-Sensors.pdf). 

  46. Junlong Zhou, Tongquan Wei, Mingsong Chen, Xiaobo Sharon Hu, Yue Ma, Gongxuan Zhang and Jianming Yan, “Variation-Aware Task Allocation and Scheduling for Improving Reliability of Real-Time MPSoCs,” IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe, pp. 171-176, 2018 (DOI: 10.23919/DATE.2018.8341998)(18-DATE-Zhou.pdf).

  47. Liying Li, Peijin Cong, Kun Cao, Junlong Zhou, Mingsong Chen, Tongquan Wei, “Feedback Control of Real-Time EtherCAT Networks for Reliability Enhancement in CPS,” IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe, pp. 688-693, 2018 (DOI: 10.23919/DATE.2018.8342097)(18-DATE-Li.pdf).

  48. Mingsong Chen, Xinqian Zhang, Haifeng Gu, Tongquan Wei, Qi Zhu, “Sustainability-Oriented Evaluation and Optimization for MPSoC Task Allocation and Scheduling Under Thermal and Energy Variations,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 84-97, 2018 (DOI: 10.1109/TSUSC.2017.2723500)(17-TSUSC.pdf).

  49. Junlong Zhou, Jianming Yan, Kun Cao, Yanchao Tan, Tongquan Wei, Mingsong Chen, Xiaodao Chen, and Shiyan Hu, “Thermal-Aware Correlated Two-Level Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks with Reduced Processor Energy on Heterogeneous MPSoCs,” Journal of System Architectures, vol.  82,  pp. 1-11, 2018 (10.1016/j.sysarc.2017.09.007)(17-JSA.pdf).

  50. Tongquan Wei, Junlong Zhou, Kun Cao, Peijin Cong, Mingsong Chen, Gongxuan Zhang, X. Sharon Hu and Jianming Yan, “Cost-Constrained QoS Optimization for Approximate Computation Real-Time Tasks in  Heterogeneous MPSoCs,”  IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 1733-1746, 2018 (DOI:10.1109/TCAD.2017.2772896) (18-TCAD-Wei-LR.pdf).

  51. Peijin Cong, Liying Li, Gaoyuan Shao, Junlong Zhou, Mingsong Chen, Kai Huang and Tongquan Wei,  “User Perceived Value-Aware Cloud Pricing for Profit Maximization of Multiserver Systems,” The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems,  pp. 537-544, 2017 (DOI: 10.1109/ICPADS.2017.00076)(17-ICPADS.pdf).

  52. Junlong Zhou, Kun Cao, Peijin Cong, Tongquan Wei, Mingsong Chen, Gongxuan Zhang, Jianming Yan, Yue Ma, “Reliability and Temperature Constrained Task Scheduling for Makespan Minimization on Heterogeneous Multi-Core Platforms,” Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 133, pp. 1-16, 2017 (DOI:10.1016/j.jss.2017.07.032)(17-JSS.pdf).

  53. Yongxiang Bao, Mingsong Chen, Qi Zhu, Tongquan Wei, Frederic Mallet and Tingliang Zhou, “Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Uncertainty-Aware Hybrid AADL Designs Using Statistical Model Checking,” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, no. 99, pp. 1-1, 2017 (DOI: 10.1109/TCAD.2017.2681076)(17-TCAD.pdf).

  54. Mingsong Chen, Yongxiang Bao, Xin Fu, Geguang Pu, and Tongquan Wei, “Efficient Resource Constrained Scheduling Using Parallel Two-Phase Branch-and-Bound Heuristics,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 1299-1314, 2017 (DOI: 10.1109/TPDS.2016.2621768)(17-TPDS.pdf).

  55. Junlong Zhou, Jianming Yan, Tongquan Wei, Mingsong Chen and Sharon Hu, “Energy-Adaptive Scheduling of Imprecise Computation Tasks for QoS Optimization in Real-Time MPSoC Systems”, IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe, pp. 1402-1407, 2017 (DOI: 10.23919/DATE.2017.7927212)(17-DATE.pdf).

  56. Junlong Zhou, Min Yin, Kun Cao, Jianming Yan, Tongquan Wei, Mingsong Chen, Xin Fu, “Fault-Tolerant Task Scheduling for Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Systems,” Journal of Circuits,Systems and Computers, vol. 26, 2017(16-JCSC.pdf).

  57. Junlong Zhou, Jianfei Chen, Kun Cao, Tongquan Wei and Mingsong Chen, “Game Theoretic Energy Allocation for Renewable Powered In-Situ Server Systems,” The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, pp. 721-728, 2016 (DOI: 10.1109/ICPADS.2016.0099)(16-ICPADS.pdf).

  58. Kun Cao, Junlong Zhou, Yin Min, TongquanWei, and Mingsong Chen, “Static Thermal-Aware Task Assignment and Scheduling for Makespan Minimization in Heterogeneous Real-time MPSoCs,”  Proceedings of the International Symposium on System and Software Reliability, pp. 111-118, 2016 (DOI: 10.1109/ISSSR.2016.026).

  59. Jianjun Yang, Ju Shen, Ping Guo, Bryson Payne and Tongqun Wei, “A Machine Learning Based Forwarding Algorithm Over Cognitive Radio in Wireless Mesh Networks,” EAI International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Communications, vol. 183, pp.228-234, 2016.

  60. Siyuan Xu, Weikai Miao, Thomas Kunz, Tongquan Wei, and Mingsong Chen, “Quantitative Analysis of Variation-Aware Internet of Things Designs Using Statistical Model Checking,” IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security, pp. 274-285, 2016 (DOI: 10.1109/QRS.2016.39)(16-QRS.pdf).

  61. Junlong Zhou, Tongquan Wei, Mingsong Chen, Yue Ma and X. Sharon Hu, “Thermal-Aware Task Scheduling for Energy Minimization in Heterogeneous Real-Time MPSoC Systems,” IEEE Transactions onComputer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 35, no. 8, pp.1269-1282, 2016 (DOI: 10.1109/TCAD.2015.2501286)(15-TCAD.pdf).

  62. Junlong Zhou, X. Sharon Hu, Yue Ma and Tongquan Wei, “Balancing Lifetime and Soft-Error Reliability to Improve System Availability,” IEEE 21st Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, pp. 685-690, 2016 (DOI: 10.1109/ASPDAC.2016.7428091)(16-ASPDAC.pdf).

  63. Xiaotong Cui, Kaijie Wu, Tongquan Wei and Edwin Sha, “Worst-Case Finish Time Analysis for DAG-Based Applications in the Presence of Transient Faults,” Journal of Computer Science and Technology, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 267-283, 2016(16-JCST.pdf). 

  64. Junlong Zhou, Jianming Yan, Jing Chen, and Tongquan Wei, “Peak Temperature Minimization via Task Allocation and Splitting for Heterogeneous MPSoC Real-Time Systems,” Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 111-121, 2016 (DOI: 10.1007/s11265-015-0994-4)(15-JSPS.pdf).

  65. Junlong Zhou, Jianming Yan, Tongquan Wei, Kaijie Wu, Xiaodao Chen and Shiyan Hu, “Sharp Corner/Edge Recognition in Domestic Environments Using RGB-D Camera Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II, vol. 62, no. 10, pp. 987-991, 2015 (DOI: 10.1109/TCSII.2015.2458051)(15-TCASII.pdf).

  66. Junlong Zhou and Tongquan Wei, “Stochastic thermal-aware real-time task scheduling with considerations of soft errors,” Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 102, pp. 123-133, 2015 (DOI:10.1016/j.jss.2014.12.009)(15-JSS.pdf). 

  67. Jianjun Yang, Bryson Payne, Markus Hitz, Zongming Fei, Le Li and Tongquan Wei, “Location aided energy balancing strategy in green cellular networks,”  IEEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), 2014 (DOI: 10.1109/ICCCN.2014.6911875)(14-ICCCN.pdf). 

  68. Jing Chen, Tongquan Wei and Jianlin Liang, “State-Aware Dynamic Frequency Selection Scheme for Energy Harvesting Real-time Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 1679-1692 , 2014 (DOI: 10.1109/TVLSI.2013.2278315)(14-TVLSI.pdf).

  69. Dietmar Bruckner, Taram Dillon, Shiyan Hu, Peter Palensky and Tongquan Wei, “Building Automation, Smart Homes, and Communities, Guest Editorial,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 676-679, 2013 (DOI:10.1109/TII.2013.2281939).

  70. Xiaodao Chen, Tongquan Wei and Shiyan Hu, “Uncertainty-Aware Household Appliance Scheduling Considering Dynamic Electricity Pricing in Smart Home,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 932-941, 2013 (DOI:10.1109/TSG.2012.2226065)(13-TSG.pdf) (ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper, IEEE TCSC Most Influential Paper Award).

  71. Tongquan Wei‚ Piyush Mishra‚ Kaijie Wu and Junlong Zhou‚ “Quasi-Static Fault-Tolerant Scheduling Schemes for Energy-Efficient Hard Real-Time Systems‚” Journal of Systems and Software‚ vol. 85‚ no. 6‚ pp. 1386-1399‚ 2012 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2012.01.020)(12-JSS.pdf).

  72. Xiaodao Chen, Chen Liao, Tongquan Wei and Shiyan Hu, “An Interconnect Reliability-Driven Routing Technique For Electromigration Failure Avoidance,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 770-776, 2012 (DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2010.57)(12-TDSC.pdf).

  73. Linjie Zhu, Tongquan Wei, Yonghe Guo, Xiaodao Chen and Shiyan Hu, “Adaptive Fault-Tolerance Task Scheduling for Real-Time Energy Harvesting Systems,” Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, vol. 21, no. 1, 2012 (DOI:10.1142/S0218126612500041)(12-wei-JCSC.pdf).

  74. Weiyin Hong, Xin Kuang, Jianhua Shen and Tongquan Wei, “Intelligent Power Management for Embedded WiFi Devices,” Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, vol. 21, no. 1, 2012 (DOI: 10.1142/S021812661250003X)(12-shen-JCSC.pdf).

  75. Tongquan Wei‚ Xiaodao Chen and Shiyan Hu‚ “Reliability-Driven Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems‚” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems‚ vol. 30‚ no. 10‚ pp. 1569-1573‚ 2011 (DOI: 10.1109/TCAD.2011.2160178)(11-TCAD.pdf).

  76. Tongquan Wei‚ Xiaodao Chen and Piyush Mishra‚ “Design of a Hard Real-Time Multi-Core Testbed for Energy Measurement‚” Microelectronics Journal-Elsevier‚ vol. 42‚ no. 10‚ pp. 1176-1185‚ 2011 (DOI: 10.1016/j.mejo.2011.03.008)(11-MEJ.pdf).

  77. Linjie Zhu, Tongquan Wei, Yonghe Guo, Xiaodao Chen and Shiyan Hu, “Energy Efficient Fault-Tolerance Task Allocation Scheme for Real-Time Energy Harvesting Systems,” International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, pp. 584-594, 2010 (DOI: 10.1109/ICICIP.2010.5564164).

  78. Tongquan Wei, Yonghe Guo, Xiaodao Chen and Shiyan Hu, “Adaptive Task Allocation for Multiprocessor SoCs in Real-Time Energy Harvesting Systems,” The 11th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), pp. 538-543, 2010 (DOI: 10.1109/ISQED.2010.5450524)(10-ISQED.pdf).

  79. Tongquan Wei, Xiaodao Chen and Piyush Mishra, “Designing a Multi-Core Hard Real-Time Test Bed for Energy Measurement Experiments,” The 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2009 (DOI: 10.1145/1529282.1529727).

  80. Tongquan Wei‚ Piyush Mishra‚ Kaijie Wu and Han Liang‚ “Fixed-Priority Allocation and Scheduling for Energy-Efficient Fault-Tolerance in Hard Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems‚” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems‚ vol. 19. no. 11‚ pp. 1511-1526‚ 2008 (DOI: 10.1109/TPDS.2008.127)(08-TPDS.pdf).

  81. Tongquan Wei, Piyush Mishra, Han Liang and Kaijie Wu, “Fixed-Priority Allocation and Scheduling Scheme for Energy-Efficient Fault-Tolerance in Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems,” IEEE Workshop on Silicon Errors in Logic -System Effects, 2007.

  82. Tongquan Wei, “Energy Efficient Reliability Schemes for Hard Real-Time Systems,” ACM/SIGDA Ph.D. Forum at DAC, 2007.

  83. Tongquan Wei‚ Piyush Mishra‚ Kaijie Wu and Han Liang, “Online Task-Scheduling for Fault-Tolerant Low-Energy Real-Time Systems‚” ACM/IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD)‚ pp.522-527‚ 2006 (DOI:10.1145/1233501.1233607)(06-ICCAD.pdf)

  84. Alex Orailoglu, Wenjing Rao, Tongquan Wei, Kaijie Wu and Ramesh Karri, “Fault Tolerant Nanoscale Architectures,” IEEE Latin American Test Workshop (LATW), 2005.

  85. Tongquan Wei, Kaijie Wu, Ramesh Karri and Alex Orailoglu, “Fault Tolerant Quantum Cellular Array (QCA) Design Using Triple Modular Redundancy with Shifted Operands,” IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2005 (DOI:10.1145/1120725.1120938)(05-ASP-DAC.pdf).

  86. 胡铭,段文雪,吴庭明,周俊龙,刘晓,魏同权,陈铭松,“云计算系统可靠性研究综述”,计算机研究与发展,录用。

  87. 鞠芊蕾,曹坤,梁文彬,魏同权,“混合关键性系统寿命优化的任务调度算法”,计算机工程,vol.45(1):23-25,2019.


  1. 魏同权,陈靓,“一种基于温度约束的固定优先级实时任务静态调度方法“, 2013.2,中国,201310052875.1

  2. 魏同权,闫建明,周俊龙,汪俊马,陈箭飞,“一种室内识别物体棱角并衡量其对移动实体危险程度的方法”, 2014.11,中国,201410663093.6

  3. 魏同权,陈箭飞,周俊龙,邵高原,“可再生供能的云计算系统中基于合作博弈的能量分配方法”,2015.10,中国,201510725103.9

  4. 魏同权,曹坤,周俊龙,“一种对异构多核处理器温度-调度长度感知的实时任务调度方法”, 2016. 7,中国,201610608598.1

  5. 魏同权,丛佩金,夏青青,“EtherCAT消息传输过程中对瞬时故障进行容错的方法”, 2017.4,中国, 201710232016.9

  6. 魏同权,梁文彬,周俊龙,鞠芊蕾,“一种实时系统可用时间快速估算与优化方法”,2017.8中国,201710690737.4

  7. 魏同权张润泽,“一种数据驱动的边缘响应时间优化方法”,2019.10,中国,201911030918.X

  8. 魏同权,闫建明,“基于交互模式的ARM嵌入式网络课程系统”,登记号,2015SR023199

  9. 魏同权,邵高原,“基于用户感知价值的最优云服务定价系统” ,登记号,2017SR330013

  10. 魏同权,丛佩金,夏青青,“EtherCAT中基于反馈控制的容错系统”,登记号,2017SR419079

  11. 魏同权,梁文彬,“实时系统可用时间快速估算系统”,登记号,2017R11L1073056

  12. 魏同权,杨睿鸣,鞠芊蕾,“延迟混合关键性系统使用寿命的快速调度系统V1.0”,登记号,2018SR948173



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